The adventures of Sahan Rohanatilaka.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Free bus.

Whenever I see a city bus on the highway I often feel like it's running away. As if it freed itself from the bonds of the city's transit system and escaped into the free world! It's always an odd sight for me on the highway. Run away free bus! You are free now, flee, flee and be free!

'Cause I'm free as a bus now
And this bus you cannot change!
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
And this bus you cannot change!
And this bus you cannot change!
Lord knows I can't change.

I think there are more hours in the day than people would ever need. Twenty four is more than enough. No one is really busy. We're just busy with the activities we choose to be busy with. We often burden ourselves with some things and neglect others. "Sorry I didn't call, I was too busy." No you weren't. How can anyone be busy for months and months? Surely you had 5 minutes in those months to watch TV, surf in the Internet, or take a poop. We don't call because we just don't care. We have no need for that person in our lives. Oh, by the way, this is not directed at anyone or have any relevance to my life currently, it's just a thought that occurred to me recently.

It has also occurred to me that Left Wing governments tend to slow economic progress. In fact, they abate just about any sort of progress except social progress -- the one area that such governments exceptionally care about. I say this because I realized under the Bush administration NASA actually had a plan and a budget to go to the Moon. In fact, Bush pushed the Constellation program which would land people on the Moon again by 2020 and on Mars by 2030s or 40s. But Obama cancelled this within his first year. I'm not against the cancellation -- I mean, looking at the economic situation, you gotta make sacrifices. I'm just saying, Left Wing politicians have social concern at the top of the agenda. Maybe the cancellation of Constellation wasn't so bad, I recently heard an interview on CBC Radio with a space businessman. Space tourism will be the big thing of the future. And, I like to believe, that under privatization space will fare a lot further than under the wobbly, restricted hands of a government.

Oh, also, go Kiwis! You've done well to match Australia's score, just don't muck up the Second Innings. Please! Do what you did earlier and you can win this!

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