The adventures of Sahan Rohanatilaka.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I wrote this while at lunch:

My plans to workout in the mornings hasn't gone so well. I stay up late after work so I wake up late. I'm going to workout tonight, after work. Is that bad? Nah, a workout's a workout. There's some good news. I checked my body fat percentage and I'm at 18%! This means I've dropped 2-3% in just two weeks! Earlier I was losing fat at a rate of 1% per month. I think it's due to Alex's boot camp regiment. Hmm. Oh, and my weight is at 182 lbs, btw. This means I only lost fat and not muscle.

I'm still thinking about yesterday's meeting. I'm a bit disappointed. I expected more to come out of it. Sigh. I'm not sad, just disappointed. I love my friends though. Thank you for always being there, especially last night.

Man, the lunch room's full of ugmos. Where are the hotties? Where?!! I saw that snobby brown girl earlier. She's the only non-married hot girl in my department. She totally ignored more again. I hope she chokes on that water she got - just a little bit.

Woah, a hot tall girl just walked in -- blugh, nevermind, she just turned around.

I'm doing well at my job. My supervisor was very happy with my progress and told me so. Well, I'm out of time, I guess I should go back. Let's hope something wonderful happens to me tonight.

For the record, I did work out tonight. I first set up an obstacle course around my basement and ran and jumped until I was tired. Then I did an hour of muscle conditioning. Tomorrow I'm planning on leaving early (only doing half an hour of OT) so I could make it to MMA class. I will not give up. Even if my body's tired, I refuse to let my progress slide. This means far too much to me. What I've gained in the dojo is more important than anything else right now.

Also, for the record, something wonderful DID happen to me. I smiled at this really cute girl in another department. She looks Middle-Eastern/ Eastern-European. I hope I can smile at her again tomorrow!

1 comment:

Ruth said...



1 bootcamp session!! You gotta come more. I wonder what my fat% is at... hmmm i haven't even thought of my stats.. just how I feel. Yesterday's jog I ran all the way to the bridge without stopping.. that was only our 3rd jog together and even he noticed that I made a lot of progress! :)

yay us!